3M™ 361 üvegszövetszalag

  • Rendelkezésre álló opciók
  • | Válassza ki a termékopciókat az azonosítókhoz.

Protect surfaces and materials from intermittent temperatures up to 288 °C

Use in aerospace, automotive, military, roofing, specialty vehicles and ship building

Splice fabrics, sealing panels and use for heavy duty masking, bundling, holding and harness wrapping

További részletek


  • Protect surfaces and materials from intermittent temperatures up to 288 °C
  • Use in aerospace, automotive, military, roofing, specialty vehicles and ship building
  • Splice fabrics, sealing panels and use for heavy duty masking, bundling, holding and harness wrapping
  • Can be certified to meet F.A.R. 25.853, flame resistant specification
  • Used for permanent sealing of high temperature ducts or chambers

Use 3M™ Glass Cloth Tape 361 for applications requiring high temperature resistance. Our tape has a pressure sensitive silicone adhesive for applications requiring high adhesion, long ageing, good holding power and clean removal. The strong abrasion resistant backing is ideal for use as masking protection in thermal spray operations.

Protect surfaces and materials from high temperatures with 3M™ General Purpose Glass Cloth Tape 361. Our tape has a thickness of 0.16 mm. Our tape features a pressure sensitive silicone adhesive for applications requiring high adhesion, long ageing, good holding power and clean removal. It can withstand intermittent temperatures up to 288 °C or higher, depending on the type and duration of the heat source. Continuous exposure to heat above 232 °C, will gradually degrade the adhesive, causing loss of tape adhesion and darkening of the glass cloth backing. It’s primarily used in the aerospace, automotive, military, roofing, specialty vehicle and ship building industries for fabric splicing, seaming and sealing panels, heavy duty masking, bundling, holding and harness wrapping.

Javasolt alkalmazások
  • Magas hőmérsékletű csatornák vagy kamrák tartós szigetelése
  • Szövetek és texturált felületek illesztése
  • Panelek rögzítése és az illesztések zárása pl. gépiparban
  • Hegesztésvédelem
  • Hőérzékeny kábelek védelme
  • Szövetillesztés, tömítő- és szigetelőpanelek

Tipikus Tulajdonságok


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