3M™ Flexible Plastic Patch

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Reinforce the backside of bumpers needing repair

Get no cure time delay for fixing front side repair

Use on plastics where a reinforcement is needed

További részletek


  • Reinforce the backside of bumpers needing repair
  • Get no cure time delay for fixing front side repair
  • Use on plastics where a reinforcement is needed
  • Clean appearance for a good backside cosmetic finish

Repair automotive bumpers with 3M™ Flexible Plastic Patch. Our flexible plastic patch reinforces the inside of a two sided plastic repair where the damage has gone through the plastic. It needs no sanding for application and adhesion, and has no curing time delay to start a repair.

Provide extra strength to damaged bumpers with 3M™ Flexible Plastic Patch. Our fast curing, flexible and easy to sand repair material reinforces the damage that has gone through the plastic. Our Flexible Plastic Patches need no sanding for application and adhesion, and have no curing time delay to start a repair. It’s an ideal material for repairing bumpers that have been cracked away from edges.

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Terméktípus Rugalmas műanyag tapasz, Rugalmas műanyag tapasz készlet
Teljes hossz (metrikus) 203 Milliméter