3M™ Heavy Duty Duct Tape DT11

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Versatile with good hold for everyday use in challenging applications

Sticks immediately and stays on irregular surfaces without lifting, even on most plastics

Water-resistant polyethylene backing resists wear and light abrasion

További részletek


  • Versatile with good hold for everyday use in challenging applications
  • Sticks immediately and stays on irregular surfaces without lifting, even on most plastics
  • Water-resistant polyethylene backing resists wear and light abrasion
  • Moisture-resistant seal in many containment situations, such as attaching heavy poly draping and pipe sealing
  • Available in black and silver

Constructed of polyethylene film laminated to cloth with a synthetic/ natural rubber adhesive blend , this tough tape resists curling and tears off the roll cleanly for a variety of applications. The 3M™ Heavy Duty Duct Tape DT11 is designed to provide a reliable solution for everyday challenges and adheres to numerous substrates, including plastic.

Originally developed for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) applications, duct tape is used today in a variety of maintenance, repair and construction settings. Due to its design, the 3M™ Heavy Duty Duct Tape DT11 is considered a go-to choice for demanding jobs. The 3M™ Heavy Duty Duct Tape DT11 comes in two colours: black and silver. Low tack roll edges, so edges stay cleaner for less surface contamination and less waste.

Tipikus Tulajdonságok

Hasonló termékek

Teljes szélesség (metrikus) 48 Milliméter
Szalag teljes vastagsága liner nélkül (metrikus) 0,27 Milliméter
Hátlap (hordozó) anyaga Polietilén/szövetbélés
Termék színe Ezüst, Fekete
Ragasztóanyag típusa Természetes/szintetikus gumi keveréke