Cserealkatrész Adflo egységhez, filter és filter borító nélkül.
Get effective protection from the respiratory hazards associated with the welding process with 3M™ Adflo™ Powered Air Respirator. The 3M™ Adflo™ Powered Air Respirator is specifically designed to meet the needs of the welder requiring respiratory protection. It's continuous airflow provides filtered air that takes much of the heat and sweat out of welding. The slim profile and ergonomic design make it easier to go into tight welding spaces and offers the quality and functionality you require from a robust and easy to use respiratory system. With the correct filter selection, 3M™ Adflo™ Powered Air Respirator effectively protects against particulates, gases or vapours, all commonly found in welding processes. Users can selectively replace either the particle or gas filter as needed; you dont need to change them both at the same time. Our replacement 3M™ Adflo™ turbo assembly replaces worn or damaged parts and can be used with your original filter, filter cover, belt, battery and charger. Increase the service life of your equipment by checking it regularly and replacing damaged or worn parts.
Ajánlott alkalmazások | Csiszolás, Hegesztés, Fémfeldolgozás, Fémjavítás |
Alkatrész típusa | Pótalkatrész |
Hegesztőpajzs kompatibilitása | 9000 sorozat, L-Series |
Karton mennyisége | 1 |
Márkák | Adflo™ |
Termékkód | 832000 |
Terméksorozatok | Adflo |
Terméktípus | Szűrtlevegős turbó egység |
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