Scotch® 1633 Rust Remover, 400 ml

  • 3M ID 7000061454
  • UPC 04046719102297

Easily releases tightly sealed bolts

Can be used effectively as a lubricant

Fast acting

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  • Easily releases tightly sealed bolts
  • Can be used effectively as a lubricant
  • Fast acting

Scotch® 1633 Rust Remover spray is a multi-purpose spray. This rust remover loosens rust and protects against moisture and renewed oxidation.

To loosen rust and protect against moisture and renewed oxidation use Scotch® 1633 Rust Remover. This spray is multi-purpose. It loosens rust, protects against moisture and renewed oxidation, it can be used effectively as a lubricant. Scotch® 1633 easily releases tightly sealed bolts and has a high penetration capacity. Available in a 400 ml can, it’s an important addition to any tool box.

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